Gainput  v1.0.0
Development Tool Protocol

If Gainput is built with GAINPUT_DEV defined, it features a server that external tools can connect to obtain information on devices, mappings and button states. The underlying protocol is TCP/IP and the default port 1211.

The following messages are defined:

uint8_t cmd
uint32_t protocolVersion
uint32_t libVersion
uint8_t cmd
uint32_t deviceId
string name
device button
uint8_t cmd
uint32_t deviceId
uint32_t buttonId
string name
uint8_t type
uint8_t cmd
uint32_t mapId
string name
remove map
uint8_t cmd
uint32_t mapId
user button
uint8_t cmd
uint32_t mapId
uint32_t buttonId
uint32_t deviceId
uint32_t deviceButtonId
float value
remove user button
uint8_t cmd
uint32_t mapId
uint32_t buttonId
user button changed
uint8_t cmd
uint32_t mapId
uint32_t buttonId
uint8_t type
uint8_t/float value
uint8_t cmd
get all infos
uint8_t cmd
start device sync
uint8_t cmd
uint8_t deviceType
uint8_t deviceIndex
set device button
uint8_t cmd
uint8_t deviceType
uint8_t deviceIndex
uint32_t deviceButtonId
uint8_t/float value

The message IDs (cmd) are defined in GainputDevProtocol.h.

Each message is prefaced with a uint8_t that specifies the message's length.

All integers are in network byte order.

Strings are represented like this:

uint8_t length
char text[length] // without the trailing \0